• Nicole Commerford
    I recently used the Podiatry service at Physio Active to replace my innersoles and I'm very happy with the result. I was a bit skeptical at first about the process which involves meeting with a Podiatrist in Singapore via zoom and then having the custom innersoles made in Australia. But I'm very happy with the product I received. The innersoles fit a little differently to my last pair but they are comfortable and I'm happy to wear them all the time. I highly recommend the Podiatry service at Physio Active. It's professional, thorough and efficient. https://goo.gl/maps/UcCS36SNZ7p8BcrVA

Podiatri: Sol Kustom / Orthotic

Pemeriksaan biomekanik oleh Podiatrist mencakup penilaian untuk mempertimbangkan apakah ortotik dapat membantu meringankan beberapa rasa sakit dan gejala. Podiatrist kami bekerja sangat erat dengan ahli osteopati dan fisioterapis dan melihat fungsi tubuh secara keseluruhan bukan hanya pada masalah individu. Orthotic dapat dibuat khusus dan akan disesuaikan dengan jenis kaki, olahraga, berat, dan alas kaki individu, dan dapat mencapai kontrol dan kenyamanan yang lebih baik daripada orthotic resep standar.

Custom Insole

Custom Insole

Physioactive bermitra dengan Osteopathy and Podiatry Centre, Singapura, untuk memproduksi sol khusus di laboratorium di Australia, yang menggunakan teknik digital terbaru. Pusat Osteopati dan Podiatri adalah klinik podiatri swasta pertama di Singapura yang menggunakan pemindai laser 3D terbaru untuk melakukan pengukuran kaki yang sangat akurat. Kami mampu membuat orthotic yang dapat dimasukkan ke dalam berbagai macam sepatu termasuk jenis sandal tertentu. Catatan ortotik Anda disimpan secara digital di lab sehingga pasangan berikutnya dapat dipesan kapan saja.

3D Foot Scan

3D Foot Scan

Prosesnya meliputi langkah-langkah berikut:

  1. Penilaian biomekanis dilakukan di Fisioaktif dengan pengawasan Podiatrist dari klinik Osteopath and Podiatry, Singapura.
  2. Jika sol diperlukan, kaki pasien dipindai dan gambar ini dikirim ke Australia, bersama dengan resep yang ditulis oleh Podiatrist.
  3. Sol dikirim ke Singapura untuk kontrol kualitas dan kemudian ke Jakarta untuk pemasangan. Proses ini memakan waktu hingga 2 minggu

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How painful is a deep tissue massage?

    While deep tissue massage is intense, simply let your therapist know at any time if you’d like to decrease the pressure.

  • How does deep tissue massage help arthritis?

    Skilfully applied deep tissue massage can help soothe swollen and sore joints while breaking up scar tissue.

  • Can deep tissue massage help with flexibility?

    Yes! Deep tissue massage is an excellent technique to increase flexibility with arthritis or old injuries.

  • Is deep tissue massage appropriate for athletes?

    Yes, this massage technique can be very help for athletes, especially those suffering from injuries and sore muscles.

  • Can deep tissue massage help with my old shoulder injury?

    Yes! If you’ve suffered from frozen shoulder syndrome or a rotator cuff injury in the past, deep tissue massage sessions may help to restore range of motion to your shoulder.

    If lighter massage techniques haven’t worked for your symptoms, don’t give up! Contact us now to learn more about the benefits of deep tissue massage and schedule an appointment.