Niclas Setiabudi

Nicolas Setiabudi BPhysio (Hons), DPT

Physiotherapist, Sports Therapist, Manual Therapist, Dry Needling, Vestibular Therapist, Pediatric Therapist
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About Nicolas

Lahir dan dibesarkan di Jakarta, Indonesia, Nicolas memperoleh gelar Sarjana Fisioterapi (Hons) dari The University of Melbourne pada tahun 2009. Setelah lulus, ia bekerja di Rumah Sakit Tan Tock Seng di mana ia berputar di antara bidang spesialisasi fisioterapi yang berbeda. Dia kemudian melakukan praktik fisioterapi pribadi di Singapura.

Nicolas sangat bersemangat dalam belajar dan dilatih dalam banyak modalitas fisioterapi seperti rehabilitasi vestibular, pilates, konsep Mulligan, neurodinamik, Terapi Perilaku Kognitif, Terapi Penerimaan dan Komitmen, dan tusuk jarum kering (dry-needling).

Kecintaannya belajar dan membantu orang membawanya ke studi lebih lanjut, di mana ia memperoleh gelar Magister Ilmu Kesehatan dari University of New England (Australia) dan Doktor Terapi Fisik dari University of Michigan-Flint, Amerika Serikat.

Minat khusus Nicolas adalah dalam merawat orang dengan masalah muskuloskeletal, vestibular dan pusing dan orang dengan nyeri kronis. Di waktu luangnya, Nicolas senang bepergian, menonton film, dan belajar hal-hal baru.


Tania Febrina
The physiotherapist is very polite, communicative and really did a great job. I went here a couple time and already seen the result! I like the atmosphere at PhysioActive, nice choice of colors as well. For those who wait for their partner, the waiting space have power plug so you can work on your laptop / charge your gadget. Also quite easy to connect to the WiFi, just scan the QR and you're connected!
Chantelle Kentwell
Physio active was an excellent experience for my first Physio appointment. The staff were welcoming and there was a lovely atmosphere. Nic was fabulous, very professional, honest and made me feel comfortable. He gave some excellent solutions to my back problems and I'm looking forward to seeing the recovery process from his advice. Very happy with the service and friendliness of staff nothing to improve.