• Rebecca Radley (Copywriter )
    The pre-natal sessions at PhysioActive were exactly what I needed to feel more confident and informed about approaching birth. The advice and exercises helped tremendously and made a great difference to the pain and pushing during birth. I know because I was only with PhysioActive for my second child. I wish I knew about them sooner – the guidance and support are invaluable!

Pre-natal Care

You and your baby share a body for about nine months. During this time, your body adapts as your baby progresses through different states of development.  These changes bring about a number of problems for expectant mothers.

The Expert PhysioActive Approach

Promote good health for both your baby and yourself by taking advantage of the pre-natal care offered at PhysioActive.

Pre-natal Exercises

Pre-natal exercise is crucial to relieve discomfort and maintaining your fitness during pregnancy. Our exercise classes are instructed by our expert Women’s Health Physiotherapists. These feature small class sizes of a maximum of 6 participants to ensure individual attention. Sign up today and experience great health during your pregnancy.

Pre-natal Massage

Pre-natal massage at PhysioActive is safe, relaxing, and healthy for you and your child. This specialized massage, performed by our expert massage therapists, can help alleviate swelling, pain, fatigue, and irritability. Find both physical and emotional rejuvenation with our outstanding pre-natal massage today.