• Marcya Nasution
    The place is meticulously clean, they apply strict covid protocol by limiting incoming patient at once, all staffs are wearing mask all the time. Therapist (Tim) is very professional yet approachable, doing thourough assesment before undergoing the therapy. He is very knowledgeable and found the rootcause quickly. My session including a consultation, muscle releases and muscle strengthening. I feel better and notice the improvement even in one session. https://goo.gl/maps/TPJZDwYV9VRSwCvo9
  • Rudi Wong
    Staff are responsive, polite and helpful. Totally recommended. https://maps.app.goo.gl/VrbzZ9QQdAKNQbTWA
  • Sumarni Paramita
    Very recommended....good place for rehab....especially for rehab knee, tear ligament and etc.. mba ika is recommended https://maps.app.goo.gl/pau8KYu1J1uCzhUL8
  • Ralph Go
    I am more than happy to have visited PhysioActive, after a friend of mine advised me to try it out having a great experience herself. I had a shoulder/elbow injury that did not seem to go away even when trying physio before at East West. Initially, I was not keen on trying another physio, cause previous experience was "you pay a lot, but no result". From the start when I called for an appointment, the professionalism was felt. I got clear instructions on my first visit, who to meet and a WhatsApp message to reconfirm. The reception on premises was great too, very friendly low key greet and a good cup of coffee. My therapist, Yoshi, was fantastic. She took time to figure out where my injury could have come from, explained what would happen in the sessions and gave a rough but accurate prediction when my injury would be healed. What I appreciated very much was: 1. Her English is absolutely fluent and she has great communication skills. 2. She was very open and took time for any questions. 3. Her professionalism throughout my treatment was spot on. Something really good as well is the app they use including videos of exercises you ought to do at home. Super helpful and easy to use. Another big plus; they helped me with my claims for the insurance, fantastic customer service. Definitely recommending this place to anyone in need of physio treatment, so far each time I recommend them to friends and family, it seems they already heard positive stories which underlines why they are "the best in" not just "the talk of" town. https://maps.app.goo.gl/KiXATjgr4FLAtjwTA
  • Rosanty Widjaja
    Saat pertama kali saya datang ke PhysioActive Dharmawangsa, saya memiliki keluhan di pinggul kanan dan bahu kanan. Suprisingly baru pertama kali ditangani oleh fisio nya saya merasakan much better. Lalu saat pertemuan kedua, saya pun merasa jauh lebih baik dari kondisi saya yang pertama. Saat ini saya sudah merasa sembuh. Fisio yang menangani saya adalah Ika, menurut saya Ika orang yang sabar dalam menghadapi pasien, mau mendengarkan tentang keluhan dari pasien dan ramah. Ika percaya diri tau apa yg harus dilakukan saat menyampaikan dan menjelaskan step by step mengenai kondisi saya dan tentunya mengobati saya. Sukses terus Ika & Physioactive https://maps.app.goo.gl/gkYZHgSHGmSKw3QEA
  • Sylvia Justana
    Saya pernah kena frozen shoulder thn 2016. Setelah 2 tahun berobat ke dr syaraf, fisioterapi & akupunktur, cedera bahu saya tidak pernah benar2 bisa sembuh sempurna & meninggalkan sedikit keterbatasan fisik. Biasanya cedera bahu saya sering berulang di tempat yang sama & makin lama makin meluas sampai ke leher dan kepala. Pertama kali bertemu Timothy, saya dites melakukan beberapa gerakan untuk menilai keterbatasan fisik saya. Lalu Timothy menjelaskan secara cepat & terperinci dengan gambar anatomy tubuh menggunakan ipad, sehingga saya dapat memahami permasalahan yang saya alami. Jauh lebih paham dijelaskan oleh Timothy daripada para dokter yang saya kunjungi pada tahun2 sebelumnya. Biasanya setelah selesai terapi, kita dianjurkan untuk melakukan latihan sendiri di rumah yang dapat dipantau melalui sebuah aplikasi. Saya sangat terbantu oleh Timothy dan juga latihan2 fisik yang dilakukan di rumah. Timothy tahu persis titik2 mana yang perlu diterapi sehingga proses terapi termasuk cepat dan efektif. Para staf dan manager klinik sangat ramah. Kliniknya bersih dan tidak terasa seperti klinik pada umumnya. Ada area gym kecil agar terapis dapat membantu kita untuk melakukan gerakan2 latihan di rumah. Kalau nilai tertinggi sebesar 5, saya ingin memberikan nilai 6 bahkan 7. https://goo.gl/maps/QHybSKW3dSdo47by6    
  • Ihsanuddin Usman
    Great service and well experienced physiotherapist. Very recommended https://goo.gl/maps/xsBk63Fktedt8MvC8
  • Nadia Putri
    A review months late but here we go. The overall experience is really great. We had sessions with Timothy. He communicates with you and listens to you. This place is our go-to. https://goo.gl/maps/bK7Waap8ijQpmkv97
  • Prima Nyssa Dini Siregar
    Terima kasih physioactive, setelah beberapa tahun yg saya rasakan bahu selalu tegang akhirnya saya coba fisioterapi disini karna sudah jadi cedera di bagian rotary cuff. Setelah fisioterapi tidur sangat nyenyak untuk pertama kalinya dan bangun tidur sudah tidak tegang lg. https://goo.gl/maps/LMaDFaz2w5BWmkARA
  • Amy Kartadinata
    I am satisfied with PhysioActive Physiotherapy Centre. The friendly staffs, no wait time, the place was very clean that it makes me comfortable and clear improvement on my joints. Highly recommended! https://goo.gl/maps/eqKLxFXH21S3AbjN9
  • Walter Ojeda
    I totally recommend this place for any kind of physiotherapy needed. The place is super clean and all the staff are very professional. My therapies were done always on time. Ibu Ika, treated me with tennis elbow pain. I went to many places before and did not see any results. I have been treated by her for a couple of session and i am almost 100% pain free. She is cordial, professional and sweet. Dont hesitate to get an appointment if you are looking into this place services. https://goo.gl/maps/KdKxMa79TEia6wMu9
  • Kenneth Chua (Area Sales & Business Development Manager )
    I've been working with Denis for the past few months on my shoulder tear. I appreciate very much the frank assessments on my condition and the structured approach to my physiotherapy program. There's a long road ahead to healing my shoulder but am confident that I'll get there.
  • Christian W
    Got introduced by my cousin, and very satisfied by their treatment, hospitality, profesionality, their treatment are slowly but safe and presission, and they also give me apps to help me to do training at home, very recommended https://goo.gl/maps/rPEKiC4vDKD5az247
  • Brent Elemans
    Great service and treatment. In no time my physical problem was solved. Thanks a lot. https://goo.gl/maps/TnPqbfR78A6muAwC8  
  • John Bellamy
    Very happy with treatment and service. https://goo.gl/maps/q4pYQPvxAQv5joEw5
  • Samuel Niode
    recommended place for physiotherapy. The staffs were all friendly, professional services and effective. https://goo.gl/maps/xonKHcpaWicwzXpX6
  • Fathin Dwi Wicaksono
    Personally satisfied with the medic analysis and the progress control! I had terrible shoulder pain 2 years ago and took some theraphies but they never cured me completely. I felt discomfort for as long as i know. Timothy from PhysioActive managed to analyzed it deeply, gave me huge pain relief from first theraphy and gave me focused training to strengthen my muscle with an apps that is connected to him personally so he can observe and respond to my condition. From the 3rd appointment i feel very great. Know i’m focusing to work on my back and do check from time to time https://goo.gl/maps/CsRw81NWr18G1X926
  • Tiffany Adriana
    I visited PhysioActive twice and I'm very happy that I chose PhysioActive for my treatment. I called upfront before making my appointment, they were very friendly and kind, and explain the information I needed very clearly. When I arrived, I'm very impressed with the location. It's very cozy, clean, and quite spacious. I had my sessions with Timothy, he's very friendly and clear with the explanations. He also took the time to observe and understand my complaints, and focus on the root cause of the pain I'm experiencing. He gave some exercises I need to do at home, so that my complaints are resolved for long term. Really recommend PhysioActive https://goo.gl/maps/s1zJi9hxbEo7m1US8
  • Umairah Abdullah
    Glad that I came across this place, staff is friendly and attentive especially Ms Ika was gentle and try to minimise my pain. https://goo.gl/maps/cCDZFAnMRX5YD7Gf7
  • Atlas Mirage
    Friendly staff and very effective treatment, definitely recommended! https://goo.gl/maps/bJQfg66wbwPCRVbT9
  • Tiffany Adriana
    I visited PhysioActive twice and I'm very happy that I chose PhysioActive for my treatment. I called upfront before making my appointment, they were very friendly and kind, and explain the information I needed very clearly. When I arrived, I'm very impressed with the location. It's very cozy, clean, and quite spacious. I had my sessions with Timothy, he's very friendly and clear with the explanations. He also took the time to observe and understand my complaints, and focus on the root cause of the pain I'm experiencing. He gave some exercises I need to do at home, so that my complaints are resolved for long term. Really recommend PhysioActive.   https://goo.gl/maps/AzExnB78WxkJwycv6

Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder Pain & Injury Treatment

The shoulder is the most mobile joint in your body and hence very prone to injuries. Shoulder pain is very common, but is most often felt on the outside of the upper arm rather than in the joint itself. In most cases the pain develops gradually over a long time without any known reason to the patient. In the beginning lifting the arm feels uncomfortable, but after a while it turns into a sharp pain. At later stages the pain might even be constant during day and night and can radiate in severe cases into the forearm and hand. In those cases the joint has stiffened already significantly and daily activities are severely impaired. Repetitive movements with poor posture and muscular weakness are usually the cause of the problem and lead to inflammation of the rotator cuff (muscles surrounding the shoulder) or bursa (protective fat pad).

Traumatic injuries usually occur after bike accidents or falls onto the shoulder. In these cases the tendons might be ruptured or a bone fractured. These conditions may require surgery and rehabilitation afterwards.

  • Price List

    1 session

    S$ 70

    5 session

    S$ 665

    20 session

    S$ 1,260

    1 session

    S$ 90

    5 session

    S$ 855

    20 session

    S$ 1,620

    1 session

    S$ 110

    5 session

    S$ 1,045

    20 session

    S$ 1,980

Common Shoulder Injuries:

  • Tendonitis

    Tendonitis refers to an inflammation of the tendon, which connects the muscle belly with the bone. It is one of the most frequent reasons for shoulder pain. Common causes are overuse of the muscles, repetitive movements of the arm and shoulder and poor biomechanics. Physiotherapy helps to reduce the pain and inflammation and restores proper movement of the shoulder.

  • Impingement

    Impingement refers to a trapping of usually one of the tendons of the rotator cuff between the shoulder roof and the humerus. When the arm is moved upwards and rotated inwards (e.g. freestyle swimming or putting the hand behind the back) the soft tissues are compressed. Over time this tendon usually develops an inflammation (please see above for more information on tendonitis). It can occur in any sport with repetitive shoulder movements, any daily activity involving lifting the arm above 90°, or simply frequent computer work. The reason is usually poor biomechanics, a hunched back, muscular weakness and joint stiffness. The problem can be further complicated by irregular bony outgrowths (bone spurs), which are often present in people above the age of 50. In the acute painful stage physiotherapy helps reducing the pain and inflammation. Once the condition improves, exercise therapy will be added to optimise strength and restore optimal biomechanics, with the goal of preventing recurrent shoulder problems.

  • Frozen shoulder

    Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis refers to an inflammation and stiffening of the joint capsule. The cause is still unknown; however, there are a number of risk factors predisposing you to developing frozen shoulder:

    • shoulder trauma
    • surgery
    • diabetes
    • inflammatory conditions
    • inactivity of the shoulder
    • autoimmune disease

    Frozen shoulder has three stages, each of which has different symptoms:

    1. Freezing – During this stage, pain occurs with any movement of the shoulder, and the range of motion starts to become limited.
    2. Frozen – Pain may begin to diminish during this stage. However, the shoulder becomes stiffer, and the range of motion decreases notably.
    3. Thawing – During the thawing stage, the range of motion in the shoulder begins to improve until full recovery is regained.

    Each of these stages can last a number of months. Physiotherapy can help to optimize recovery, but each patient reacts different to the treatment. Therefore it is impossible to give the patient an exact recovery timeline.

    Approximately 20% of people who have had a frozen shoulder will also develop frozen shoulder in their other shoulder in the future.

  • Acromioplasty

    Acromioplasty refers to a surgical procedure in which parts of the bony shoulder roof (acromion) is excised to create more space in between the acromion and the humerus. The reason is to prevent an impingement (please see for more information for shoulder dislocation) of the rotator cuff in between those two structures, which can lead to chronic or recurrent shoulder pain. The rehabilitation takes about 8-12 weeks depending on the complexity of the surgery. After successful completion of the rehabilitation the patient will have regained full function of the shoulder without any restrictions in daily life and sport.

  • Rotator cuff repair

    A rotator cuff repair refers to a surgical procedure in which the torn part of the rotator cuff is re-attached to the bone. In most cases this is done by keyhole surgery (small buttonhole-sized incisions). Only with larger and complex tears the surgeon might opt for an open procedure. The rehabilitation takes about 3-6 months depending of the complexity of the surgery. After successful completion of the rehabilitation the patient will have regained full function of the shoulder without any restrictions in daily life and sport.

  • Bankart repair

    A Bankart procedure refers to a surgical technique for the repair of recurrent shoulder joint dislocations (please click for more information on shoulder dislocation). In the procedure, the torn ligaments are re-attached to the proper place in the shoulder joint, with the goal of restoring normal function. The rehabilitation takes about 8-12 weeks depending on the complexity of the surgery. After successful completion of the rehabilitation the patient will have regained full function of the shoulder without any restrictions in daily life and sport.

  • Shoulder dislocation

    A humerus fracture is an injury to the bone of the upper arm close to the shoulder joint. This happens most commonly after a fall or in elderlies with osteoporosis. The majority of patients can be treated conservatively with a sling. The fracture will heal usually within 6-8 weeks with the help of physiotherapy treatment to restore full function.

    Surgery may be required when the bone fragments are far out of position or if the fracture extends into the joint. The rehabilitation takes usually at least 6 months depending on the severity of the injury. Especially elderlies may not regain full function even after optimal treatment.

  • (Multidirectional-) instability

    There are two forms of dislocations:

    • Partial dislocation (subluxation): the head of the humerus slips out of the socket momentarily and then snaps back into place
    • Full dislocation: the head of the humerus comes completely out of the socket

    In most cases this happens forcefully after an accident or fall. However, some patients with severe shoulder instability (please click for more information on shoulder instability) may dislocate their shoulder by simply reaching up for something. If the shoulder does not ‘pop in’ by itself, the doctor will move the head of the humerus back into the shoulder joint socket under anesthetics.

    Most people regain full shoulder function with the help of physiotherapy within a few weeks.

    However, some dislocations may have damaged the shoulder too severely that surgical repair (please click for more information on Bankart repair) is necessary. This may also be the case with frequent re-dislocations as the shoulder has become too unstable. Post-surgical rehabilitation takes about 3-6 months depending of the complexity of the surgery. After successful completion of the rehabilitation the patient will have regained full function of the shoulder without any restrictions in daily life and sport.

  • Fractures

    There are two forms of dislocations:

    • Partial dislocation (subluxation): the head of the humerus slips out of the socket momentarily and then snaps back into place
    • Full dislocation: the head of the humerus comes completely out of the socket

    In most cases this happens forcefully after an accident or fall. However, some patients with severe shoulder instability (please click for more information on shoulder instability) may dislocate their shoulder by simply reaching up for something. If the shoulder does not ‘pop in’ by itself, the doctor will move the head of the humerus back into the shoulder joint socket under anesthetics.

    Most people regain full shoulder function with the help of physiotherapy within a few weeks.

    However, some dislocations may have damaged the shoulder too severely that surgical repair (please click for more information on Bankart repair) is necessary. This may also be the case with frequent re-dislocations as the shoulder has become too unstable. Post-surgical rehabilitation takes about 3-6 months depending of the complexity of the surgery. After successful completion of the rehabilitation the patient will have regained full function of the shoulder without any restrictions in daily life and sport.