• Trisya Rakmawati
    The clinic is clean, and comfy. The friendly and attentive staff welcomed me with hospitality and send schedule reminder and the necessary administrative documents, timely. My physiotherapist is Dina. She assesses my joint issues and suggests effective to-do-at-home exercise which I feel very useful. https://maps.app.goo.gl/hX9i1WBtzzGAnD1n8
  • Lenah Susianty
    Very friendly and professional. Dina who looked after me is very knowledgeable. I trusted her completely. I recommend this place and Dina especially. https://goo.gl/maps/WhxcJyEPNrHa1jZW9
  • Juda Djatmiko
    I had a neck and low back pain…. after few sessions, I gradually recovered and finally did my first 5K again after 10 months of absent..Thanks to Timothy for his assisstance 😃 … https://goo.gl/maps/VwuMxG9bff41NCAc8
  • Benedikta Baart
    First I learned about Physio Active in Singapore as I was a patient there as well. Once in Jakarta I was really happy to find Physio Active here and I would like to recommend the clinic and especially terapist Timothy because he continously helped me incredibly much with all the back problems and pain I had. Arriving at the clinic was always very welcoming and heart warming, very nice and personal atmosphere and great service (more than 5 stars 🌟👏) You can fully trust Physio Active and you will be in the best hands ever... I will miss all the great people working there as I am leaving Jakarta at the end of the year. All the best for the clinic and the team Benedikta https://goo.gl/maps/Es77pnpZxfMPLRpK8
  • Kartika Dewi
    Great service from start to finish. Smooth booking process, great friendly staff at the front and my physio, Dina is so patient, articulate and knowledgable. Overall 5/5! Highly recommended. https://goo.gl/maps/gg66nYANSghDKnDP8
  • Sylvia Justana
    Saya pernah kena frozen shoulder thn 2016. Setelah 2 tahun berobat ke dr syaraf, fisioterapi & akupunktur, cedera bahu saya tidak pernah benar2 bisa sembuh sempurna & meninggalkan sedikit keterbatasan fisik. Biasanya cedera bahu saya sering berulang di tempat yang sama & makin lama makin meluas sampai ke leher dan kepala. Pertama kali bertemu Timothy, saya dites melakukan beberapa gerakan untuk menilai keterbatasan fisik saya. Lalu Timothy menjelaskan secara cepat & terperinci dengan gambar anatomy tubuh menggunakan ipad, sehingga saya dapat memahami permasalahan yang saya alami. Jauh lebih paham dijelaskan oleh Timothy daripada para dokter yang saya kunjungi pada tahun2 sebelumnya. Biasanya setelah selesai terapi, kita dianjurkan untuk melakukan latihan sendiri di rumah yang dapat dipantau melalui sebuah aplikasi. Saya sangat terbantu oleh Timothy dan juga latihan2 fisik yang dilakukan di rumah. Timothy tahu persis titik2 mana yang perlu diterapi sehingga proses terapi termasuk cepat dan efektif. Para staf dan manager klinik sangat ramah. Kliniknya bersih dan tidak terasa seperti klinik pada umumnya. Ada area gym kecil agar terapis dapat membantu kita untuk melakukan gerakan2 latihan di rumah. Kalau nilai tertinggi sebesar 5, saya ingin memberikan nilai 6 bahkan 7. https://goo.gl/maps/QHybSKW3dSdo47by6    
  • Julie Stalker
    So very grateful for the wholistic approach taken by my physio. An amazingly professional and friendly business of talented physios. Aways much better after being there. Thankyou, Julie. https://goo.gl/maps/1633SybV6feUkRie9  
  • Isnatara Abidin
    I have been a regular patient at this clinic, very professional service and Tim is the only one that can cure my tense shoulders! His skills in dry needling is second to none! Cant go more than 2 weeks without his treatments! https://goo.gl/maps/MEFfRws9gUt3dAgu6
  • Rosanty Widjaja
    Saat pertama kali saya datang ke PhysioActive Dharmawangsa, saya memiliki keluhan di pinggul kanan dan bahu kanan. Suprisingly baru pertama kali ditangani oleh fisio nya saya merasakan much better. Lalu saat pertemuan kedua, saya pun merasa jauh lebih baik dari kondisi saya yang pertama. Saat ini saya sudah merasa sembuh. Fisio yang menangani saya adalah Ika, menurut saya Ika orang yang sabar dalam menghadapi pasien, mau mendengarkan tentang keluhan dari pasien dan ramah. Ika percaya diri tau apa yg harus dilakukan saat menyampaikan dan menjelaskan step by step mengenai kondisi saya dan tentunya mengobati saya. Sukses terus Ika & Physioactive https://maps.app.goo.gl/gkYZHgSHGmSKw3QEA
  • Jacob Fourie
    Highly recommend PhysioActive, I suffered from severe shoulder pain for 3 months and Tim had me fixed in one session and gave me exercises to practice on. Honestly this is the most professional and friendliest place you can go. https://goo.gl/maps/UYTmkW5eWFtRx2c56
  • N M
    I've been seeing Bagas for physiotherapy for the past 3 weeks and I'm incredibly impressed with the results I've achieved in such a short time. Bagas is a highly skilled and professional physiotherapist who made me feel comfortable and listened attentively to my concerns. I highly recommend Bagas to anyone seeking physiotherapy! https://maps.app.goo.gl/7fjU2ejM2PVdf5qu8
  • Farah Maimun
    I am very satisfied with the services of PhysioActive Therapy. I have been suffering from pain for almost three months. After one session of dry needling and physiotherapy I had instant relief. I am also very impressed with the staff and the follow up that they did on the exercises they gave me to do at home. I would definitely recommend PhysioActive. Thank you to Dina and Yoshi who were always very professional and attentive about my progress. https://maps.app.goo.gl/veMgLsAtKAbQ5pKS8
  • Jullienne Sunarjo
    Very clean, high standard of equipment, staff are nice and helpful. I especially love mbak Ika, best physiotherapist I've met. https://maps.app.goo.gl/nD9QgLNtJ391cTid8
    انصح فية وبقوة انزلاق دسك عصب شد شغلهم احترافي I highly recommend it, a nerve disc slip, and their work is professional https://g.co/kgs/4VQoBq8
  • Sumarni Paramita
    Very recommended....good place for rehab....especially for rehab knee, tear ligament and etc.. mba ika is recommended https://maps.app.goo.gl/pau8KYu1J1uCzhUL8
  • Jeffrey Ng
    I am grateful to our Therapist Ibu Ika Setia Ningsih, for her professional, excellent, & effective physiotherapy sessions that has helped me recover from my lower back pains. Ibu Ika is especially, patience, caring, and dedicated to the patients care and welfare. We also thank all physiotherapy front office staff for their kind, prompt and diligent attention to patients and appointments. Thank you Ibu Sunita dan Rekan -Rekan https://maps.app.goo.gl/R89HoDX5bq19ZDVh7
  • Rudi Wong
    Staff are responsive, polite and helpful. Totally recommended. https://maps.app.goo.gl/VrbzZ9QQdAKNQbTWA
  • Linus Strobel
    I was suffering from shoulder pain and tightness, as well as reduced shoulder mobility for several months. Despite seeing several physiotherapists, the issue persisted. Brigitte's treatment of dry needling, sports massage and mobilisation has completely eradicated the symptoms within weeks. Brigitte thoroughly treated my injury and provided advice and support beyond it.
  • Nadia Putri
    A review months late but here we go. The overall experience is really great. We had sessions with Timothy. He communicates with you and listens to you. This place is our go-to. https://goo.gl/maps/bK7Waap8ijQpmkv97
  • Kalsa Naira
    Highly recommend this place! I suffered with scoliosis and a lot of back pain and just after a few sessions, Ms. Ika has managed to fix my body posture and relieve my back pain. The home exercises she assigned are very helpful too! Everyone here is so kind and lovely, and the place has great hospitality and service overall. Really enjoyed my experience here. Thank you! https://goo.gl/maps/6rBYjNmzgZHBienC6
  • Radinda Kush
    The best physio in town i'v ever met, the staff are really hv like an impeccable manners and helpful. They have 3 phisyo and 2 trainer (cmiiw). Although They hv US and several macchine for therapy, treatment mostly use physical training and massage / releasing muscle. I'm patient with Hnp grade 1 and several muscle injuries and handled by mrs. Ika, a senior physio. Actually I already tried several different physio place, but mrs ika is the best, I thought she has a magical hand, she release my very sore muscle with minimum pain, but maximum result. After 5 met I felt really far better. They also give exercise by an app and you can make free consultation on the app. Mrs ika also allow me reach her by Whatsapp for further consultation. Even I still not injury free now, but i know visiting physio active is a right choices! https://goo.gl/maps/q2MbgncFpseLLegy6
  • Stevanie Herlambang
    This place is amazing! I was struggling with neck pain for years and after seeing Mrs Ika just a couple times she completely fixed it, She made my recovery a priority with frequent follow-ups and useful home exercises. She also showed me how to help prevent the same injuries occurring in the future. Everyone there is super lovely as well and make booking appointments so easy - couldn't recommend this place enough! Definitely i had a great experience. https://goo.gl/maps/JiBe1cEq4JjRuc5Y6
  • Elizabeth Elizabeth
    I think it is one of the best physiotherapy in Jakarta (at least better than Physio M*****l C****c). Going there for 2x already but can feel the difference from day 1. The dry needle technique from Bu Ika is really help me to reduce my neck stiffness. Still need going there to relieve pain on my arms. She is able to find out the problem although in my case, there might be more than one root causes but still better than not finding anything. Love how they apply the technology as part of their service. We can see our exercises that need to be done on the app. It is really helpful (although it needs some improvement). The receiptionist is wonderful too. Meet 2 different people and both are great at service. Love on how they treat us and offer us a drink https://goo.gl/maps/J6uxowjwGSxupbBD8
  • Trisha Kirpalani
    physioactive is not only a physiology center that strives to assist those in pain, but it is a life changing experience that will never make you reconsider your decision. for the last eight years ive struggled with backaches and neck/shoulder aches. from chiropractors to essential oils, nothing could fix it. there were temporary solutions that numbed the pain, however the pain would bounce back stronger after twenty minutes. i never believed in physiotherapy. i thought it was for old people and it was useless, time consuming and not worth the money. After 1 session at physioactive jakarta, i knew i was 80% better. the workers there are kind and supportive and truly care about your wellbeing & health. they want you to be disciplined for YOU and your health. i will stop flying to singapore for my physiological check ups because i found a perfect one here: physioactive. https://goo.gl/maps/saiTKCsvbguRsoJy5
  • Yulinar Elfrida
    Datang dengan pinggang yang sakit kalau tiap squat,dan setelah 2 Minggu terapi dengan Mba Ika rasa sakit di pinggang jauh berkurang tiap squat,malah ga ada rasa sakit sama sekali.Thanks Phisioactive thanks mba Ika https://goo.gl/maps/fEqugL51JQFMzyZw9
  • Ruben Hattari
    Thank you for the super treatment and friendly service. I injured my shoulder and neck from excessive workout - extremely gladful that Ika, my therapist, was able to sort out the pain after 2 treatments. PhysioActive Dharmawangsa is highly recommended for anyone recovering from sporting injuries or simply want to look after their physique. https://goo.gl/maps/fj3CsPh7EgaJ6d3c7
  • Stephen Chendra
    Went here 2 times in total and all I can say my muscle issues are getting better. Recommended place with a great service from the staffs and physiotherapist https://goo.gl/maps/ntf9CiPpkcmcUJk86
  • Dina Angkawibawa
  • Walter Ojeda
    I totally recommend this place for any kind of physiotherapy needed. The place is super clean and all the staff are very professional. My therapies were done always on time. Ibu Ika, treated me with tennis elbow pain. I went to many places before and did not see any results. I have been treated by her for a couple of session and i am almost 100% pain free. She is cordial, professional and sweet. Dont hesitate to get an appointment if you are looking into this place services. https://goo.gl/maps/KdKxMa79TEia6wMu9
  • Kristanto Parulian
    Perfect place to fixed your aching and stiff joints. The place is perfect, super clean and the staffs are very professional. The 1st time, wasn't sure if I came to the right place to fix my aching amd stiff joints, but I end up keep coming to fix even minor aching that I feel 😁 Very helpful and recommended. https://goo.gl/maps/uLgZdBNhKm4sa7TRA
  • Brian Tan
    I've had muscle pain/stiffness on my left trapeze to middle back for quite a long time. I tried acupuncture, chiropractic, chinese massage, but no result so far. The dry needle technique that PhysioActive offers caught my attention and decided to give it a try. They twitched the targeted muscle to release tensions and it doesn't hurt. The next day after the treatment, I could feel great relief on the treated site. A shout out for my cool physiotherapist, Timothy. He would always listen attentively and take really good care of my problems 🙂 https://g.co/kgs/H171yC
  • Brent Elemans
    Great service and treatment. In no time my physical problem was solved. Thanks a lot. https://goo.gl/maps/TnPqbfR78A6muAwC8  
  • Iffat Noor
    It was my first time at PhyisioActive Physiotherapy Indonesia and I'm glad I chose them. In my view I have a complex condition. Timothy was awesome. He knew what to do and gave me good advice. He also does dry needling, which did wonders for my condition. They are professional. The staff is excellent - friendly and have great interpersonal skills, which is extremely important. I felt comfortable and I am satisfied with the service I received. I highly recommend this place for anyone looking for Physiotherapy. https://goo.gl/maps/uBog96rDrTbKkq1N9

Dry Needling

If you suffer from chronic pain syndrome, multiple sclerosis, or fibromyalgia, dry needling may be able to afford you relief. The technique can be incredibly effective for soothing chronically sore muscles and pain caused by contracted knots in your muscles and connective tissue. Those patients with trigger point pain can particularly benefit from dry needling.

The Expert PhysioActive Approach

All therapist at Physioactive Indonesia are APA (Australian Physiotherapy Association) certified for dry needling.


After consulting with you about your symptoms and areas of pain, one of our trained, expert therapists will insert sterile needles just under the skin at your trigger points – areas of muscle tenderness that develop from injury or overuse. The treated muscle will twitch in response to the needle. This is actually a spinal reflex and helps to break the pain cycle.

While most patients don’t even notice when the needle is inserted, you may feel some slight pain. Side effects from dry needling are generally nonexistent to mild and may include soreness and bruising. Applying dry heat to the site of the needling often relieves any lingering soreness. Of course, please communicate any issues to our staff and we will be happy to help you.

Dry needling is very safe when performed by a professional, trained therapist like our staff at PhysioActive.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Isn’t dry needling just acupuncture by a different name?

    No. Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine, whereas dry needling is evidence-based Western medicine. Dry needling does not rely on chi or “energy flow.”

  • Is there risk of infection from another patient?

    No, the needles used in your dry needling treatment are completely sterile.

  • How deeply is the needle inserted?

    The needle is inserted to the layer of the muscle/connective tissue.

  • How long will it take to see results?

    Many patients feel better a few days after a single session. For more severe problems, several sessions may be needed.

  • Will the needles cause scarring or bruising?

    The needle is never inserted deep enough to strike an organ. Furthermore, all our therapists have undergone intensive training in human anatomy and physiology and make patient safety their top priority.

    If you’re suffering from chronic pain or sore muscles, contact us now to learn more about dry needling and book an appointment.

  • How does my therapist avoid puncturing vital structures?

    The skin might be a little irritated after treatment. On the rare occasion, there will be a small bruise. These will heal and disappear in time.