• Lisabeth Lee (Management Consultant )
    I’ve had Scoliosis since childhood, and have spent thousands of dollars in my adulthood trying to get treated although doctors always told me to just “keep an eye on it”. It wasn’t until I saw Li Feng that I got some truly transformative knowledge about my condition and felt the positive change. I finally feel in control of my posture and daily movement now, living pain-free!
  • Retnadi Soraya
    The terapist is very proffesional and experince. Recommended place for physioteraphy https://goo.gl/maps/qKWBjW9iUZW8ur2G9
  • Kalsa Naira
    Highly recommend this place! I suffered with scoliosis and a lot of back pain and just after a few sessions, Ms. Ika has managed to fix my body posture and relieve my back pain. The home exercises she assigned are very helpful too! Everyone here is so kind and lovely, and the place has great hospitality and service overall. Really enjoyed my experience here. Thank you! https://goo.gl/maps/6rBYjNmzgZHBienC6
  • Jullienne Sunarjo
    Very clean, high standard of equipment, staff are nice and helpful. I especially love mbak Ika, best physiotherapist I've met. https://maps.app.goo.gl/nD9QgLNtJ391cTid8

Scoliosis Management

The human spine has a gentle curvature that grants a cushioning effect to the daily impacts of walking and other activities. In people with scoliosis, this curve is abnormal. This can result in pain, not only in the back but also in the hips, shoulders, and legs.

Besides pain, scoliosis may also cause your hips and/or shoulders to be uneven, leading to a disrupted gait. When your gait is improper, you put more wear and tear on your body with every step, which can result in further problems.

The PhysioActive Solution
Whatever the cause of your scoliosis, careful and skilled physiotherapy from the experts at PhysioActive can help to correct your issue. We strengthen both the muscles around your spine and your core muscles in your abdomen and hips. This allows you to stand straighter and better support your spine.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are some signs of scoliosis?

    The first hint that a scoliosis may be developing is the appearance of abnormal posture. Here are some common signs of scoliosis:

    • Head not centered to the body
    • Uneven shoulders (either one is in front of the other or one’s higher than the other)
    • Uneven shoulder blades: one is more prominent or higher
    • Uneven waist angle: the gap between arm to trunk is wider on one side
    • One hip is more prominent than the other or the hips are not leveled
    • The spine line is not straight Scoliosis itself does not cause pain, but it may contribute to the development of pain in the back, neck, shoulder or lower limbs due to muscle imbalance and movement changes. People with scoliosis can generally participate in any exercises.
  • Is all scoliosis the same?

    No. There are different categories of scoliosis.

    1. Congenital Scoliosis: spinal curvature that occurs since birth
    2. Neuromuscular Scoliosis: spinal curvature that develops because of neuromuscular conditions such as spinal bifida, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy or spinal cord injuries
    3. Idiopathic Scoliosis: spinal curvature that occurs with unknown reasons. When this happens during or before a child’s puberty, it is called Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Idiopathic scoliosis accounts for about 80% of all scoliosis cases. Scoliosis can affect children and adults. In children it can be a more serious condition because it can rapidly progress as the child grows.
  • How does the SpineCor brace work?

    The SpineCor brace was first developed at Sainte-Justine Hospital in Canada between 1992 and 1993. It consists of a pelvic base which is stabilised by 2 thigh bands and 2 crotch bands, a bolero made of cotton and four corrective elastic bands. The SpineCor brace was found to be able to slow curve progression, reduce curve magnitude, and reduce incidence of or postpone surgery. Till date, it is the first and only dynamic / soft brace for idiopathic scoliosis.

  • What happens if scoliosis is left untreated?

    The earlier scoliosis is diagnosed and corrected, the better the treatment outcome. If left untreated, severe cases of scoliosis can worsen over time, impairing heart and lung function.